Jerky Direct Email Series

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Hi friends, below is the email series for you as a interested party of our jerky business, or you have already signed up for jerky direct (you can use these for your own use)

Maybe you just want to be a customer , we love new customers..

The reason I am doing this way is because the emails always get lost in our spam folder.. You can also take a look around at this blog and get all the details you need to make a decision if this business if for you..

I realize that sometimes you just don’t want to wait for the emails, you want the info right now.. 🙂

Email #1- Jerky Direct Is Better Than Ever

Thank you for your interest in our Jerky.. This is a U S A Only invitation

I love our beef jerky, and I think you will as well..

You can join us as a customer or you can decide to build your own jerky business..

Unique, simple, honest company..

We have a new improved Jerky Direct.. 

About our jerky

Come on over and see our new and improved Website by clicking here

I would love to connect , find me on facebook here

If you need more information and have interest in joining Jerky Direct, Join our Team Jerky Enthusiasts 

Give our beef jerky a try you will be glad you did..

Look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

your friend,


my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today


Email #2- Jerky Business – Cost involved

So let’s go over the cost of either purchasing jerky or building a jerky business.

Building a brick and mortor business can take thousands..

Here at jerky direct the cost are nothing compared to a brick and mortar start up..

Right now if you want to just purchase jerky as a customer click here

but if you want to activate your affiliate account and build the business

here are the costs

There is 2 entry levels you can come in at:

  1. Beginner Level: $24.00 /mo 3.95 shipping – 2 bags of jerky , your choice, plus our  business platform
  2.  Leadership Level: $74.00/mo,  3.95 shipping – 8 bags of jerky , your choice , plus our business platform

 To Qualify to Earn Commissions and to buy at wholesale pricing : You must be on 1 of the auto ship programs 

Here is what you will Receive:

Complete Business Package
Build the Business Your Way
Full Access to the Compensation Plan
Purchase ​at Affiliate Prices
7 Skills Training ​
Sales System & Marketing Funnel Training
Personal Website​ with Marketing Funnel
with Intregated Contact Manager
Full Back Office​ Access
Earn Commissions from Retail Sales
Get Others to Join You and Earn even More
Attractive Business
Great Tasting Beef Jerky

Plus a sponsor (Me) that cares and will support you  🙂 

Now with Higher Commissions.. we are looking at a better Jerky Direct .. Now if the costs scare you, ask yourself  if I wanted to start up my own  brick and mortar business, all by myself  what would it cost.. $$$$$

I have to be honest the jerky is fantastic.. and has no preservatives..

Sure you can buy jerky elsewhere but do they offer a business opportunity , a real business ?? Plus our jerky is fresh… our jerky Is premium grade..Most jerky in the stores today are full of MSG.. 

We will talk again in a day or two..

If this interest you , contact me

talk soon

Diane Mumm

my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today



Email #3- Jerky as a Business

I started jerky direct way back in 2013 .. The company has evolved, and made some much needed changes since then..

New ownership, new website, new concepts, new training, and much more

I only get behind products and companies I really believe in..

Jerky Direct just happens to be one of them..

Did you get a chance to look over the website

Please do so again.. and let me know what you think..

I Love the Jerky!  I like it better than the old jerky to be honest..

So Tasty!

We also have a Team, we have live calls.. a community which is always something I longed for online..

Let’s touch base soon!

Find me on Facebook!

Your friend,

Diane Mumm

my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today


Email #4- Our Jerky Opportunity

I love sharing great business models,.

Jerky just happens to be unique and like nothing else out there.

Today I will share with you our simple opportunity..

So simple you will have no trouble understanding ..

You can see our opportunity page here

You can see the JerkyDirectCompensationPlan

And you also are building in 4 levels as a team..

It is a great opportunity, one you can feel good about, and one you know when you share it , people will get it.. Hey it’s Jerky, most everyone likes jerky..

till next time..

take care,

Diane Mumm

my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today


Email # 5 – Our Beef Jerky Pricing

Yes the price of jerky has increased and that has to do with the price of beef rising.

However , we have quality , all natural with NO preservatives.. why put all that junk in the jerky , words you can’t pronounce.. Our jerky ingredients are all words you know and trust.

If you want to be a customer , hey we value customers..

If you want to build a jerky business.. we got you covered.. and are here for you..

When I received my jerky the other day, it was gone before night came, My husband also thought it tasty really good..

So what are you waiting for.. Come on in and give us a try today.. 

Find me on Facebook!

talk soon

your friend.,

Diane Mumm

my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today


Email #6- Jerky Business Details

Jerky direct packaging

So if you decide that this jerky business is for you ..

You are looking at 24.00 or 74.00/ month

With that you receive 2 or 8 – bags of jerky

Ability to buy at a cheaper price in bulk

Training- Learn how to market your business.

Tools- Marketing material and videos to get you going.

Webinars , Monday and Thursday night

Team- You will be with others seriously serious about building their business.

So what do you think?

Let’s talk Find me on Facebook!

Diane Mumm

my jerky sponsor username is (simplejerkybiz)

P.S. Enroll Today

Make sure it states simplejerkybiz as your sponsor as that is Yours Truly.. 🙂


Email # 7 New Jerky Flavor

We have added a new flavor, Spicy jerky..

Those of you that like some spice in your life ..

You should be excited!

Remember our jerky is different..

All natural, no preservative fresh jerky.

Taste the difference..

talk soon,

I will keep you posted on new jerky coming ..

take care

Your friend and jerky distributor/affiliate

Diane Mumm

See our website here !


Email # 8 Simple Jerky Snacks now on Facebook

Hey I wanted to share my page on facebook , where you can stay updated with new things happening.. new products being added and so on..

Facebook Page, come over and give a LIKE..

Thank you for the LIKE

talk soon..

best wishes

Diane Mumm

Our Jerky is Tasty!


Email # 9 What else Does Our Team Offer you

Say,  one thing I really think is important is belonging to a community of people  that are aiming for the same thing. Our team has a culture community..

We don’t oversale you, try  to talk you into things, or are dishonest in the way be represent jerky direct..

We believe in honesty and integrity.. and work together as we all want the same thing.. to build a solid rewarding business we can be proud of..

If that sounds like something you want to be a part of then get in touch with me asap..

Connecting and communicating is part of networking ..

gotta run,

take care..

and let’s talk soon

your friend,

Diane Mumm

My jerky website



Email # 9  This explains everything ?

jerky direct

I wanted to share my 2  presentations for jerky direct.. The business comp plan , the beef jerky  products..buying as a customer

hope you have time to watch..

any questions reach out to me

Watch now as the business – Comp Plan

Watch now as a customer

your friend,

Diane Mumm


Email # 11  Buying beef jerky in bulk pricing?

jerky direct

I put together a video talking about buying jerky in bulk for better pricing , this is available for retail and affiliates/distributors..

You can see it here

Pricing of course is better if you become an affiliate.. but we love customers as well..
I believe in this company and their products.. it gives me the ability to earn extra in.. come

It is honest, ethical, simple.. and yes a real actual product..

have a wonderful day

your friend

Diane Mumm

P.S. if you are interested in getting involved with Jerky Direct, see here 


Email # 12  Our current beef jerky flavors..?

We have another flavor added and now available to purchase..

Come check out my new quick video explaining the beef jerky in detail

Beef Jerky Flavors

if you are ready to order some fabulous jerky.. all you have to do is go to
any questions, let me know I am here and available

your friend,

Diane Mumm

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