Do you know the 75% Rule?

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I’ve got an important question for you. Do you know the 75% Rule?

Ugh. How many times have you looked at a package of “food” in the supermarket and wondered what the heck was in it? Too many times these days, chemicals and preservatives are added to make food smell fresh, look appetizing, and make you hungrier. But have you ever wondered just what all that crap is really doing to us, and more importantly, to our kids?

I know I have! When my kids were little, we implemented the 75% Rule in our home.

If You Can’t Pronounce 75% of the Ingredients….You Don’t Wanna Eat It!

I told them that unless they could read me the ingredients out loud, I wouldn’t buy their favorite snack foods, treats, or even flavored yogurts. I actually think that’s why my daughter is such a good reader now, at age 11.

So what does this have to do with Jerky Direct? Well, Jerky Direct meat snacks are made from the finest hormone free cattle in the world. There are no chemicals or preservatives, most flavors contain no MSG, and you can pronounce ALL the ingredients!

Here are the ingredients from my favorite flavor, Beef Original
Ingredients:  Beef, Water, Brown Sugar, Sea Salt, Vinegar Powder, Celery Juice Powder, Black Pepper, Paprika, Garlic Powder, Red Pepper
Citric Acid

I don’t know about you, but I can read every one of those ingredients. Of course, it really doesn’t mean much until you compare it with a standard bag of jerky you can find in any grocery store or gas station. Here are the ingredients from the back of a package of Jack’s Links:

Less than 2% Salt
Dried Soy Sauce (soybeans, salt, wheat)
Monosodium Glutamate
Hydrolysed corn protein
Sodium erythorbate
Paprika extract
Sodium nitrate

Any of those stump you? Ok, ok, since we live in a society filled with unmentionable ingredients, it is possible that you can actually pronounce them, but do you actually know what they are? Google a few. I’ll wait here.

Now you know how Jerky Direct is different. A simple opportunity, a tasty, healthy product at a good value. What are you waiting for?

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