About Jerky Direct

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Our Vision:

Our Goal is to provide a simple and low cost opportunity, so that anyone with the desire can earn residual income and build a business from home.

Founded on 3 Core Principles:

We have removed traditional barriers to entry that are often associated with starting a home business by creating a business model that everyone can understand and get excited about.

No more explaining vitamins, super juices, vacation packages or other hyped up products. Our Product is simple and made with simple Ingredients. Why we believe Beef Jerky is the most powerful product for a home business.

We want everyone to be rewarded for the efforts they put in. We removed complicated rules, high sales requirements and created a compensation plan that people can understand.


Jerky Direct was founded on the three core principles in 2004, and saw amazing growth.
A few years after the company was launched, its parent company forgot about it. The distributors were left on their own to build their business and grow their teams. As a famous book says, “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” Attrition started to take over and Jerky Direct slowly started to decline until July, 2016 when the company announced they were closing their doors.

There was a group of distributors who saw the power behind Jerky Direct. They realized it offered an opportunity to start a home business that was unlike any other. They knew that Jerky Direct had to continue!

Jerky Direct was purchased and relaunched in August of 2016, keeping the core principles that made the business successful and adding everything else the company would need to grow:
Company vision and branding.
Distributor Training.
Marketing Materials.
Corporate support.
Live Webinars.

And every tool it’s distributors would need to be successful.
This is the new Jerky Direct that you see today!
We are excited to watch this business and our distributors grow for years to come!

Owner & CEO: Daniel Jay

Born and raised in the Suburbs of St. Paul, Daniel has always had a passion for Network Marketing, Home Business and Entrepreneurship. Jerky Direct was one of the first businesses he joined in 2004 while in college receiving his Bachelor’s Degree. No matter what other projects Daniel worked on or what other companies and products he helped create, he was always drawn back to Jerky Direct for its simplicity.

When Daniel got the news that Jerky Direct was closing, he knew that God was opening up a door for him at the exact right time. He could take the simple business model he loved and integrate into it all of the things Jerky Direct would need to be successful.
Daniel still lives in a suburb of St. Paul with his dog Riley. He looks forward to getting married and starting a family with his current girlfriend.

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2 comments on “About Jerky Direct
  1. Harvey Moore says:


    I was just wondering if you provide your team members with the same type of marketing website that you are advertising?


    • Diane Mumm says:

      Hi Harvey.. If you are talking this blog you are on, this is my own I have created.. however I do have training within this blog that is available to all team members .. if you are talking http://jerkydirect.com/simplejerkybiz , then yes everyone receives this website, and come Feb 1st we will have a marketing funnel attached to this website.. If you are thinking about joining now is a good time as they are waiving the affiliate fee.. Come Feb 1st everything is changing, the cost goes up and so many new improvements will be added.. any other questions .. find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.mumm .. talk soon


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