3 Ways to Grow Your Jerky Direct Business

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3 Ways to Grow Your Jerky Direct Business

You can make money in three ways with Jerky Direct.

1. Sell Jerky Offline by purchasing in bulk at cheaper pricing.

2. Direct Customers to your Website You are provided with a Jerky Direct website when you join.  When customers order off your site, the company will drop ship product to them and send you a check for 20% commission.

3. Sign Up Distributors If you help others join Jerky Direct under you, you’ll receive monthly compensation based on the product that they order and that they sell.

Jerky direct packaging

If you want to build a jerky business, you will have to activate your affiliate account $15.95

Each Month You receive  (2) bags of jerky for $19.75  Shipping is a flat $3.95.. sometimes the shipping and the affiliate fee are waived.. For promotion reasons..

Each distributor has a jerky direct  website with their monthly auto ship order.  Go ahead and check mine out.  Look around at the products, get a feel for the company, and write down your questions for me.  If you’re ready to sign up as a distributor, you can do so right from the link.

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